Programme for the 3rd WGs Meetings

Topic of the Meeting: Primordial Black Holes and how to grow Black Holes

Tue, 12 April 14:00 -19:00 Plenary meeting, Room 216 (1st floor CC)
14:00-14:15 K.-H. Mack, S. Britzen Welcome
14:15-15:00 Geoffrey Bicknell How to grow Black Holes (Accretion & feedback)
  For further information see:
15:00-15:15 Discussion  
15:15-15:45 X. Calmet Introduction to topic : Low scale quantum gravity
15:45-16:00 Discussion  
16:00 Coffee CC gallery; offered by COST and IRA-INAF
16:30-17:15 Bernard Carr Cosmological and astrophysical consequences of primordial black holes
17:15-17:30 Discussion  
17:30-18:15 Anne Green Formation mechanisms for primordial black holes
18:15-18:30 Discussion  
20:00 Conference dinner offered by COST and IRA-INAF
Ristorante Pizzeria Le Rose
Via di Corticella 90/f
40128 Bologna
Wed, 13 Apr: 09:00 - 13:00 Plenary & WG meetings
09:00-09:45 Greg Landsberg Black Holes at the LHC
09:45-10:00 Discussion  
10:00-10:20 A. Rushton ALMA
10:20-10:40 M. Zamaninasab 3C 454.3 - Long-term VLBI structural changes and flux monitoring
10:40-11:00 G. Witzel Sgr A* and its intrinsic polarization
11:00 Coffee CC gallery; offered by COST and IRA-INAF
11:30-13:00 WGs individually see individual agenda below
13:00 Lunch CC gallery offered by COST and IRA-INAF
14:00-15:30 WGs individually see individual agenda below
15:30 Coffee CC gallery offered by COST and IRA-INAF
16:00-16:20 M. Colpi Growing Binary Black Holes through galactic mergers
16:20-16:40 Summary of WGs individual meetings: WG1, WG2, WG3, WG4
16:40-17:00 G. Bicknell Concluding Remarks
17:00-17:15 S. Britzen Outlook -Announcement next meeting - end
Agenda for WG1-meeting (WG leader and chair: Xavier Calmet; Room 213, 1st floor CC)
11:30-11:50 E. Winstanley Spin-down phase of black hole evolution
11:50-12:10 R. Casadio New entropic classicality condition for brane-world black holes
12:10-12:30 P. Nicolini Cosmological production of noncommutative black holes
12:30-12:50 N. Gausmann Quantum Black Holes
13:00 Lunch CC gallery offered by COST and IRA-INAF
14:00-14:20 C. Kiefer On the production of primordial black holes in inflationary cosmology
14:20-15:30 Discussion Hot topics and potential research directions
15:30 Coffee CC gallery offered by COST and IRA-INAF
16:20-16:40 X. Calmet Summary WG1 meeting
Agenda for WG2-meeting (WG leaders and chairs: Robert Ferdman & Anthony Rushton. Room 408, 2nd floor, IRA-INAF)
11:20-11:30 A. Janiuk Instabilities in the accretion disks. Implications for Black Hole X- ray binaries
11:30-11:40 M. Mapelli Massive stellar black holes in low metallicity environments
11:40-12:00 E. Ripamonti Metallicities around Ultra-luminous X-Ray sources
12:00-12:20 L. Zimmermann Radio and high energy characteristics of the gamma, X-ray binary LSI+61-303
12:20-12:30 Discussion Topics for future meeting, inviting speakers, etc
13:00 Lunch CC gallery offered by COST and IRA-INAF
15:30 Coffee CC gallery offered by COST and IRA-INAF
16:20-16:40 A. Rushton Summary of WG2 meeting
Agenda for WG3-meeting (WG leader and chair: Mohammad Zamaninasab Room 111, CNR library, ground floor CC Saletta riunione)
11:30-12:00 S. Gillessen The power of monitoring stellar orbits (review and recent progress)
12:00-12:15 N. Sabha The Galactic Center in infrared
12:15-12:30 L. Iorio Perspectives in testing post-Newtonian gravity in the gravitational field of GC black hole
12:30-12:45 F. de Felice Accelerated orbits in black hole fields: an extended equivalence principle
12:45-13:00 V. Sochora Black hole accretion rings revealed by future X-ray spectroscopy
13:00 Lunch CC gallery offered by COST and IRA-INAF
14:00-14:15 D. Kunneriath The Galactic centre region in the mm-regime
14:15-14:30 O. Donmez The flip-flop instability of the shock cone around the rotating black hole: the case of Sgr A*
14:30-14:45 V. Karas The orbital interaction between stars and a SMBH surrounded by an accretion disc
14:45-15:00 B.W. Sohn Current status of KVN+VERA observation of Sgr A*
15:00-15:30 Discussion Open questions, Future Plans
15:30 Coffee CC gallery offered by COST and IRA-INAF
16:20-16:40 M. Zamaninasab Summary of WG3 meeting
Agenda for WG4-meeting (WG leader and chair: Eduardo Ros; Room 216, 1st floor CC)
11:30-11:35 E. Ros Introduction
11:35-11:45 S. Vercellone CTA: the next-generation Cherenkov telescope array. Prospects for the BH and SMBH studies
11:45-11:55 P. Romano Swift as a go-to facility for BH physics
11:55-12:05 G. La Mura Optical emission line profiles and X-ray properties of Type 1 AGN
12:05-12:15 D. Ilic Monitoring of AGN in the optical band
12:15-12:25 L. Caramete The mass function of black holes
12:25-12:40 M. Tornikoski Early results from PLANCK: SED and radio continuum spectra of blazars
12:40-12:50 E. Ros The SED of the MOJAVE sources
13:00 Lunch CC gallery offered by COST and IRA-INAF
14:00-14:10 C.M. Fromm Shock-shock interaction in the jet of CTA 102
14:10-14:20 M. Karouzos Growing black holes through mergers
14:20-14:30 M. Mezcua The parsec scale of active galactic nuclei
14:30-14:40 N. Marchili An abrupt change in the IDV characteristics of 0954+658 during its 2008 outburst
14:40-14:50 K. Gabanyi Are double-peaked narrow-line AGN binaries?
14:50-15:05 L. Gergely Mass ratios and the final spin in supermassive black hole mergers
15:05-15:15 M. Hüdaverdi AGNs from the field of Clusters of Galaxies
15:15-15:30 E. Ros Final discussion
15:30 Coffee CC gallery offered by COST and IRA-INAF

Please acknowledge inspiration or support by our COST Action or this meeting in your publications:

Part of this work was supported by the COST Action MP0905 -Black Holes in a Violent Universe-

S. Britzen (Chair of the Action MP0905) and K.-H. Mack (local organiser)

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