
SESSION 1: Future Astrophysical Facilities  -- R. Schilizzi (chair)
J.A. Zensus Opening address
C. Cesarsky Introduction: Setting the scene
R. Ekers Radio astronomy facilities
J. Cernicharo Millimeter, submillimeter and far-infrared astronomy facilities
G. Hasinger High-energy astronomy facilities
R. Gilmozzi Optical and near-infrared astronomy facilities
B. Schutz Gravitational wave astronomy facilities
SESSION 2: Fundamental Physics and Cosmology  --  P. Shaver (chair)
S. Rawlings Answering fundamental questions in physics with next-generation telescopes (review)
M. Kramer Fundamental physics with the SKA: Strong-field test of gravity using pulsars and black holes
S. Curran Constraining variations in the Fundamental Constants with the SKA
J.-L. Puget CMB polarization and early Universe physics
G. Kanbach Low to medium energy gamma-ray astronomy: Status and perspectives
M. Della Valle The evolution of the cosmic supernova rate
R. Beck SKA and the Magnetic Universe
SESSION 3: High-redshift Universe, Galaxies, Galaxy Evolution  --  K.Y. Lo (chair)
S. Lilly The high redshift Universe and the formatrion and evolution of galaxies (review)
R.P. Kudritzki Frontier science enabled by a Giant Segmented Mirror Telescope
I. Hook Overview of the science case for a 50-100m Extremely Large Telescope
M. Lehnert Probing the growth and evolution of galaxies with the ELT
R. Sunyaev New experimental possibilities and new problems in CMB research and observations of clusters of galaxies
M. Bremer Observations of the first galaxies: lessons learned for future ground based large telescopes
G. Bower The high-redshift Universe as seen by the Allen Telescope Array
SESSION 4: AGN and Compact Objects  -- R. Laing (chair)
R.T. Schilizzi Concept of the SKA
J.A. Zensus AGN and Compact Objects (review)
T. Boller New frontiers in AGN astrophysics - The X-ray perspective
K. Kellermann Deep radio surveys with the SKA
L. Gurvits Space-borne radio astronomy in the era of LOFAR, ALMA and SKA
M. Garrett eVLBI: A wide field imaging instrument with milliarcseond resolution and microJy sensitivity
M. Punch Results from observations of AGNs with the HESS telescope system and future plans
P. Cox The dust and gas content of quasars in the early universe
SESSION 5: ISM and Formation and Evolution of Stars  --  R. Booth (chair)
T. Henning Physics of star formation (review)
T. Wilson The physics and chemistry of high-mass star forming regions
E. van Dishoeck Synergy of millimeter and infrared observations of star- and planet-forming regions
G. Gilmore GAIA: Galactic Astrophysics by Imaging and Astrometry
P. Goldsmith Large-scale surveys with the ALFA focal plane array at Arecibo
A. Peck Preliminary results from the Submillimeter Array
A. Gómez de Castro The network for ultraviolet astrophysics (NUVA) and the future of UV astronomy in Europe
SESSION 6: Planets and Origins of Life  --  P. Sackett (chair)
M. Perryman Detection and characterization of extra-solar planets (review)
O. Hainaut Down to earths, with OWL
J.C. Guirado Astrometric detections of extrasolar planets
M. Feldt CHEOPS Project: Characterizing Exo-planets by Opto-infrared Polarimetry and Spectroscopy
SESSION 7: Working Groups (parallel)
  WG#1: Fundamental physics and Cosmology -- J.-L. Puget (chair)
  WG#2: High-redshift Universe, Galaxies, Galaxy Evolution -- E.Sadler (chair)
  WG#3: AGN and Compact objects -- R. Laing (chair)
  WG#4: ISM, Stars and Planets -- S. Beckwith (chair)
SESSION 8: Plenary Session  -- C. Cesarsky (chair)
S. Michalowski The OECD Global Science Forum workshops on future large astronomy programmes and projects
J.-L. Puget Summary of WG#1
E. Sadler Summary of WG#2
R. Laing Summary of WG#3
S. Beckwith Summary of WG#4
P. Diamond Far horizons: looking to the future of astronomy
J.A. Zensus Closing of the symposium
Future Astrophysical Facilities
• Radio
R. Bachiller The new 40-m radiotelescope of OAN in Yebes (Spain)
B. Boyle HIFAR - Cosmology with an ultra-wide-field radio telescope
H. Hirabayashi Design of Near-term Next Generation Space-VLBI Mission VSOP-2
A. Lobanov Imaging across the spectrum: synergies between SKA and other future telescopes
B.W. Sohn Construction of the Korean VLBI Network (KVN)
W. van Driel Frequency protection for the 21st century instruments
• Millimeter, submillimeter and far-infrared
M. Audley SCUBA-2: A large-format CCD-style imager for submillimeter astronomy
E. Brinks The Large Millimeter Telescope
A. Peck An overview of the submillimeter array telescope
C. Straubmeier Tunable heterodyne receivers - A promising outlook for future of mid-IR interferometry
• Near-infrared and Optical
W. Gaessler Fizeau interferometry with LBT - Astronomy on the way to ELTs
A. Kelz MUSE: 3D spectroscopy with large telescopes
M. Lombini Layer-oriented MCAO projects for 8-m class teescopes and possible scientific outcome
A. Quirrenbach Prospects for an Extremely Large Synthesis Array
G. Weigelt Interferometry in the near-infrared
• UV and High energy
F. Gargano Electrical and geometrical characterization of the Silicon flight sensors of the GLAST/LAT tracking system
F. Giordano Environmental Testing of the GLAST Tracker subsystem
E. Giraud The potential of a Large Cerenkov Array for supersymmetry and Cosmology
R. Hudec LOBSTER -- Astrophysics with Lobster Eye Telescopes
R. Hudec Innovative technologies for Future Large X-ray Telescopes
O. Reimer GLAST Large Area Telescope science prospects
• Virtual Observatories
R. Hudec Digitized astronomical plate archives
A. Richards Virtual Observatories and access to interferometry archives
Fundamental Physics and Cosmology
V. Dubrovich SSF as protoobject in Dark Ages epoch: theory and experiment
E. Lanciotti Cosmic-ray astrophysics with AMS-02
T. Reiprich Studying the nature of dark energy with current and future instruments
G. Tsarevsky Project ASTRAL: All-Sky Telescope to Record Afterglow Locations
High-redshift Universe, Galaxies, Galaxy Evolution
D. Burgarella Observations of galaxies in rest-frame UV, the UV satellite GALEX and ground-based ELT and JWST science
L. Gregorini The relic source B2 0924+30 -- A prototype of a rich source population at very low frequencies?
M. Jamrozy Study of extragalactic sources with extended radio emission
K.-H. Mack The B3VLA sample at low frequencies -- results from a survey at 74 MHz
I. Prandoni Modeling the composition of the nanoJy radio sky as a function of redshift
T.Venturi Radio view of cluster mergers
AGN and Compact Objects
I. Agudo The innermost AGN jets with future mm-VLBI
A. Chuprikov VLBA surveys and preparation of the RadioAstron mission
A. Giroletti The radio properties of low power BL Lacs
M. Kadler Probes of jet-disk-coupling in AGN from combined VLBI and X-ray observations
T. Krichbaum On the way to the event horizon - High resolution imaging of AGN
L. Popovic Two-component model of AGN broad line region
ISM and Formation and Evolution of Stars
R. Lopez HH 110 proper motions
M. Mollá The effect of the galactic gas radial distribution on the expected cosimc ray spectrum
F. Schuller Exploring the star formation in the Galactic Center: from ISO to ALMA
V. Slysh Future observations of cosmic masers
N. Kaltcheva Interrelation between Stroemgren and Vilnius photometric systems: an improvement of stellar classification
Planets and Origins of Life
R. Launhardt Towards high-precision astrometry - Differential delay lines for PRIMA@VLTI
Late Posters
Th. Schweizer First Observation results from the MAGIC experiment and perspectives for future developments
W. Wild ESPRIT - Exploratory Space Radio Interferometric Telescope
T. Arshakian Probing the gravitational redshift effect from the relativistic jets of compact AGN
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