Max Planck Society Call for APEX Proposals    

The Atacama Pathfinder Experiment (APEX)  is a project under the scientific leadership of the MPIfR, hosted and operated by ESO. Half of its observing time willl be made available to the Max Planck Society (MPS) community, including MPIfR, and also to German universities and research institutes, all on a competitive basis. 

In this call, proposals for APEX observing requests for the period from 9 September to 19 December 2024 are solicited.

Detailed information can be found in the Call for Proposals.

Proposals should be submitted as a single PDF file using the latex templates provided here.

Deadline for submission of proposals: 

All proposals should be sent to by Wednesday, 14 August 2024 (18:00 CEST).

The next deadline for the Spring observing semester 2024 is foreseen for February 2025.

Observing macro templates:

Please download the following tar file for the preparation of the observations: templates

Presentations from the APEX training in March 2014:

Instruments I (SHfI + Backends, Wyrowski)

Instruments II (Leinz Flash/Champ)

Instruments III (Weiss Laboca, instrument and observing)

Submm calibration (Wiesemeyer)

APEX proposals (Wyrowski)

APECS control software (Muders)

Observing database and scripts (Belloche)

General observing heterodyne (Wyrowski)


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