Home VLTI/AMBER VLTI/AMBER aperture-synthesis imaging of θ1 Orionis C: Tracing the young, massive high-eccentricity binary system through periastron passage PDF herunterladen: mehr Imaging the closest environment of unclassified and supergiant B[e] stars 2010PDF herunterladen: mehr First VLTI spectro-interferometry of a YSO with a spectral resolution of 12000: the gas distribution around the Herbig Be star MWC 297 ESO Konferenz - "From circumstellar disks to planetary systems"Garching, Deutschland3.-6. November 2009 mehr "Advanced" data reduction for the AMBER/VLTI instrument SPIE Konferenz- "Optical & Infrared Interferometry"Marseille, Frankreich23.-28. Juni 2008 mehr Eta Carinae: Preparing for the Next Periastron & What We May Learn American Astronomical Society Meeting #211Austin, TX, USA7.-11. Januar 2008 mehr The structure of the Winds of η Car as seen by HST/STIS and VLTI/AMBER Massive Stars: Fundamental Parameters and Circumstellar interactionsCarilo, Buenos Aires, Argentinien11.-14. Dezember 2006 mehr VLTI-AMBER observations of η Carinae with high spectral resolutions of 1,500 & 12,000 SPIE Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation: Advances in Stellar InterferometryOrlando, FL, USA25.-30. Mai 2006 mehr Science program of the AMBER consortium SPIE Konferenz - "New Frontiers in Stellar Interferometry"Glasgow, Schottland21.-25. Juni 2004 mehr The AMBER instrument of the Very Large Telescope Interferometer PDF herunterladen: mehr VINCI VLTI interferometry of Mira stars and determination of stellar parameters Herbsttagung der Astronomischen GesellschaftFreiburg, Deutschland15.-20. September 2003 mehr IOTA observation of the circumstellar envelope of R CrB SPIE Konferenz- "Optical and Infrared Interferometry II"Hawaii, USA22.-29. August 2001 mehr