Peering into the heart of a high-mass star forming region: bispectrum speckle interferometry of the ultracompact HII region K3-50A
Karl-Heinz Hofmann, Yuri Y. Balega, Thomas Preibisch, Gerd Weigelt
Astronomy and Astrophysics, v.417, p. 981-985 (2004)
We present K'-band speckle interferometry of the ultracompact HII region K3-50A. Our image resolves the central 1''×1''region into at least 7 point-like objects. We find K'-band counterparts for all but one of the N-band sources discovered by Okamoto et al. (2003), and there are additional K'-band sources which were unresolved in the N-band images. Our reconstructed image also reveals the fine-structure of the cone-shaped nebulosity extending to the south. The brightest K'-band source is located exactly at the tip of the cone-shaped nebulosity. The nebula shows sveral arcs and the orientation of its main axis agrees very well with the direction of the CO outflow from K3-50A. This nebulosity therefore very likely represents the clumpy inner surface of a partially evacuated cavity excavated by the strong outflows.
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