Programme & Presentations
The workshop consisted of two parts. In the first part, Professors Brian Boyle, Michael Kramer and Eike Weber met members of the Deutschen Bundestag to introduce the SKA project and the vision of Green Astronomy.
This part was supported by the official signing of the MoU between FhG ISE, CSIRO and MPIfR in presence of his Excellence Peter Tesch, Australian Ambassador to Germany, Switzerland and Liechtenstein.
In the second part, the attendees discussed renewable energy solutions for the SKA and its pathfinders. Presentations are available for download by clicking on the corresponding title.
PART 1 — Parliamentarian Morning:
"Internationales Wissenschaftsprojekt: ein Leuchtturmprojekt für Innovation made in Germany"
PART 2 — Current Technical Challenges and solutions
- Energy requirements for the SKA pathfinders — Antony Schinckel (CSIRO)
- CSIRO Energy Management & SKA — Glenn Platt (CSIRO)
- Energy Generation: CSP Technology and Systems — Markus Eck (DLR)
- CPV: Space technology for space research — Fabio Brunner (Concentrix)
- Battery System Technology — Matthias Vetter (Fraunhofer ISE)
- UltraBattery Utility-Scale Solutions — Petter Coppin (CSIRO)
PART 3 — System solutions
- Renewable Energy Options for SKA — David Edwards (Horizon Power)
- Hybrid CPV-CSP approach: 100 % renewables for ASKAP and SKA — Matthias Vetter (ISE)
- Printed Photovoltaics — Scott Watkins (CSIRO)
- Geothermal Energy — Klaus Regenauer-Lieb (CSIRO)
- Electromagnetic compatibility — Reinhard Keller (MPI for Radio Astronomy)
PART 4 — Towards the SKA: Socio-economic Impact & Innovation Drivers
- Discussion round — Chair: Brian Boyle (CSIRO)
- Towards 100% Solar Energy for the SKA — Eicke Weber (Fraunhofer ISE)
- Desertec — Tobias Grimm (Münchner Rück)
- Challenges in High Performance Computing — Kimmo Koski (CSC - IT Center for Science)
- Solar Energy for Science — Frank Lehner (DESY)