"Black Holes and Jets"
5th WORKING GROUPS MEETING 21 - 22 November 2012 Palermo / Italy
U. Wyputta
Powerful Jets in Active Galactic Nuclei or Microquasars are spectacular and still enagmatic phenomena. Understanding their formation, collimation and propagation better can also provide insight concerning the central machine - the Black Hole. While jets have already been studied on many different scales, at many available wavelength regimes, for smaller and larger Black Hole masses, many problems still appear unsolved! Convincing theoretical models conerning the jet launching mechanism exist but could not be proven unambiguously yet. Jet components have been modeled in various way but they remain to be a phenomenon with unknown physical nature. Flux-density variability is obsverved across the wavelength spectrum but the correlation between e.g., the radio- and the gamma-ray emission sites is still unclear. Jet curvature might tell us about the double nature of the central Black Hole - but do we really need a double system to explain the observations?
Actions of the WGs (see COST1stWGMeeting)
The meeting is open for all scientists working in the field of jet-physics and related fields! We are looking forward to the presentations and hopefully inspiring discussions in beautiful Palermo.
Limited financial support is available on request. A presentation (talk or poster) will be required.
Starting date: Nov. 21st, 2012, 9:00
End date: Nov. 22nd, 2012, 18:00
Topics to be addressed:
Jet Launching
Jet Kinematics
Broad band Emission & Variability
Jet Simulations and Modeling
Review talks will be presented by:
Dr. M. Perucho
Dr. M. Hardcastle
Prof. T. Belloni
Renown keynote speakers will be invited for review talks. Contributed talks and posters are welcome.
Financial support
Limited financial support is available
Limited financial support from the COST Action MP0905 is available for some of the WG participants. All requests for financial support indicated in the registration will be evaluated by a selection committee. After the evaluation, participants will be informed and receive an invitation from the e-COST system indicating if financial support will be granted or not.
Please note, that in case financial support is granted, the participant has to officially accept this in the e-COST system to allow for the reimbursement to take place.