Kick-off Meeting

Kick-off Meeting

of the

DFG Research Unit FOR 1254

Magnetisation of Interstellar and Intergalactic Media:
The Prospects of Low-Frequency Radio Observations

The meeting took place from October 4 to 6, 2010 at Kloster Irsee
Arrival on October 3, preferably until 6 p.m.

Being the first meeting of the newly founded Research Unit (RU), its prime aspect is to bring together all its members, in particular those new members that have been hired as PhD students or Postdocs. Being together for three days, all of us have a great opportunity to make acquaintance with each other and discuss the scientific 'kick-off' or progress in the various projects conducted in the framework of the RU. The individual projects will be presented, and invited speakers will review recent important and pertinent developments in the exploration of interstellar and/or intergalactic magnetic fields. Short contributions by the participants are also welcome.


Prof. Dr. Uli Klein Dr. Rainer Beck
Argelander-Institut für Astronomie Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie
Auf dem Hügel 71 Auf dem Hügel 69
D-53121 Bonn D-53121 Bonn
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