The Magnetized Interstellar Medium 8-12 September 2003, Antalya, Turkey
The Magnetized Interstellar Medium conference was hold in Antalya, Turkey, on 8-12 September 2003, supported by the Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie and the Akdeniz University. Proceedings are printed.
Scientific Committee
R. Wielebinski (MPIfR, chair), A. Alpar (Sabancı University), R. Beck (MPIfR),
B. Gaensler (Harvard University), J.L. Han (NAO/CAS Beijing), T.L. Landecker (DRAO), M.E. Özel (Abant İzzet Baysal University), W. Reich (MPIfR),
A.R. Taylor (University of Calgary), M. Urbanik (Jagiellonian University),
B. Uyanıker (MPIfR)
Local Committee
Z. Aslan (Akdeniz University), B. Uyanıker (MPIfR), A. Yar-Uyanıker (MPIfR),
W. Reich (MPIfR), P. Reich (MPIfR)