Science publications in refereed journals based on observations with GREAT
Principal Investigator | Title of Science Contribution | Journal |
J.M. Jackson | Absorption and Self-Absorption of [C II] and [O I] Far Infrared Lines Towards a Bright Bubble in the Nessie Infrared Dark Cloud | ApJ 965, 187 (2024) |
H. Wiesemeyer | Revisiting Jupiter’s deuterium fraction in the rotational ground-state line of HD at high spectral resolution | A&A in press (2024) |
N.-D. Tung | Gas kinematics and dynamics of Carina Pillars: A case study of G287.76-0.87 | ApJ 969, 113 ( (2024) |
N. Schneider | First detection of the CII 158 mu m line in the intermediate velocity cloud Draco | A&A 686, 109 (2024) |
T.D. Hoang | Velocity-resolved high-J CO emission from massive star-forming clumps | A&A 679, 121 (2023) |
M. Cordiner | Author's Reply to Comment by Greaves et al. on “Phosphine in the Venusian Atmosphere: A Strict Upper Limit From SOFIA GREAT Observations” | GeophResL 50, e2023GL106136 (2023) |
J.S. Greaves | Comment on “Phosphine in the Venusian Atmosphere: A Strict Upper Limit From SOFIA GREAT Observations” by Cordiner et al. | GeophResL 50, e2023GL103539 (2023) |
M. Tiwari | Identifying physical structures in our Galaxy with Gaussian Mixture Models: An unsupervised machine learning technique | ApJ, in press (2023) |
R.L. Karim | SOFIA FEEDBACK Survey: The Pillars of Creation in [C II] and Molecular Lines | AJ 166, 240 (2023) |
R. Levy | [CII] Spectral Mapping of the Galactic Wind and Starbursting Disk of M82 with SOFIA | ApJ 958, 109 (2023) |
H.W. Hübers | Direct detection of atomic oxygen on the dayside and nightside of Venus | NatCom 14, 6812 (2023) |
B. Mookerjea | Constraining the geometry of the reflection nebula NGC 2023 with [O I]: emission & absorption | MNRAS 525, 5468 (2023) |
M. Caputo | Physics and Chemistry of Radiation Driven Cloud Evolution. [C II] Kinematics of IC 59, and IC 63 | ApJ 950, 140 (2023) |
M. Jeste |
[C I] and [C II] emission in the circumstellar envelope of IRC +10216
I. Observational data and NLTE modeling of the [C I] emission |
A&A 675, 139 (2023) |
L. Bonne | Unveiling the formation of the massive DR21 ridge | ApJ 951, 39 (2023) |
N. Schneider | Ionized carbon as a tracer of the assembly of interstellar clouds | NatAstr 7, 546 (2023) |
A.E. Rubinstein | HOPS 361-C's Jet Decelerating and Precessing Through NGC 2071 IR | ApJ 948, 39 (2023) |
Le-N. Tram | SOFIA Observations of 30 Doradus. II. Magnetic Fields and Large-scale Gas Kinematics | ApJ 946, 8 (2023) |
N. Fuda | Modeling CO Line Profiles in Shocks of W28 and IC 443 | ApJ 944, 17 (2023) |
W.-J. Kim | HyGAL: Characterizing the Galactic ISM with observations of hydrides and other small molecules. II. The absorption line survey with the IRAM 30 m telescope | A&A 670, 111 (2023) |
D. Lis | Atomic oxygen abundance toward Sagittarius B2 | A&A 669, L15 (2023) |
H. Wiesemeyer | First detection of the atomic 18 O isotope in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere of Earth | Phys Rev Res. 5, 013072 (2023) |
M. Heyer | Searching for converging flows of atomic gas onto a molecular cloud | ApJ 941, 62 (2022) |
M. Cordiner | Phosphine in the Venusian Atmosphere: A Strict Upper Limit from SOFIA GREAT Observations | GeophResL 49, e2022GL101055 (2022) |
M. Tiwari | SOFIA FEEDBACK Survey: PDR Diagnostics of Stellar Feedback in Different Regions of RCW 49 | AJ 164, 150 (2022) |
L. Bonne | The SOFIA FEEDBACK Legacy Survey Dynamics and Mass Ejection in the Bipolar H II Region RCW 36 | ApJ 935, 171 (2022) |
Ü. Kavak | Dents in the Veil: protostellar feedback in Orion | A&A 663, 117 (2022) |
Ü. Kavak | Breaking Orion's Veil with fossil outflows | A&A 660, 109 (2022) |
A.M. Jacob | HyGAL: Characterizing the Galactic ISM with observations of hydrides and other small molecules ─ I. Survey description and a first look toward W3(OH), W3 IRS5 and NGC 7538 IRS1 | ApJ 930, 141 (2022) |
H. Beuther | FEEDBACK from the NGC7538 HII region | A&A 659, 77 (2022) |
S. Kabanovic | Self-absorption in [C II], 12CO, and H I in RCW120. Building up a geometrical and physical model of the region | A&A 659, 36 (2022) |
W.D. Reach | Ionized carbon around IRC+10216 | ApJ 926, 69 (2022) |
Y.-L. Yang | Atomic Shocks in the Outflow of L1551 IRS5 Identified with SOFIA-upGREAT Observations of [OI] | ApJ 925, 93 (2022) |
T. Csengeri | SOFIA/GREAT observations of OD and OH rotational lines towards high-mass star forming regions | A&A 658, 193 (2022) |
G. Harper | SOFIA upGREAT/FIFI-LS Emission-line Observations of Betelgeuse during the Great Dimming of 2019/2020 | AJ 162, 246 (2021) |
A.I. Harris | SOFIA-upGREAT Imaging Spectroscopy of the [C II] 158 μm Fine-structure Line of the Sgr B Region in the Galactic Center | ApJ 921, 33 (2021) |
N. Schneider | Globules and pillars in Cygnus X. III. Herschel and upGREAT/SOFIA far-infrared spectroscopy of the globule IRAS 20319+3958 in Cygnus X | A&A 653, 108 (2021) |
R. Higgins | Observation and calibration strategies for large-scale multi-beam velocity-resolved mapping of the [CII] emission in the Orion molecular cloud | A&A 652, 77 (2021) |
D.A. Neufeld | The chemistry of chlorine-bearing species in the diffuse interstellar medium, and new SOFIA/GREAT observations of HCl + | ApJ 917, 104 (2021) |
P.F. Goldsmith | Interstellar Cloud Conditions Based on 63 μm [O I] Emission and Absorption in W3 | ApJ 916, 6 (2021) |
W.D. Langer | The dense warm ionized medium in the inner Galaxy | A&A 651, 59(2021) |
E. Tarantino | Characterizing the Multi-Phase Origin of [CII] Emission in M101 and NGC 6946 with Velocity Resolved Spectroscopy | ApJ 915, 92 (2021) |
M. Tiwari | SOFIA FEEDBACK survey: exploring the dynamics of the stellar wind driven shell of RCW 49 | ApJ 914, 117 (2021) |
M. Luisi | Stellar feedback and triggered star formation in the prototypical bubble RWC 120 | Sci. Adv. 7, eabe9511 (2021) |
A.M. Jacob | The CH radical at radio wavelengths: Revisiting emission in the 3.3 GHz ground state lines | A&A 650, 133 (2021) |
H. Richter | Direct measurements of atomic oxygen in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere using terahertz heterodyne spectroscopy | Communications Earth & Env 2, 19 (2021) |
B. Mookerjea | The distribution of ionized, atomic and PDR gas around S1 in Rho Ophiuchus | A&A 648, 40 (2021) |
O. Nayak | Stellar Feedback on the Earliest Stage of Massive Star Formation | ApJ 907, 106 (2021) |
J.R. Goicoechea | Bottlenecks to interstellar sulfur chemistry. Sulfur-bearing hydrides in UV-illuminated gas and grains | A&A 647, 10 (2021) |
D.A. Neufeld | Terahertz Water Masers: II. Further SOFIA/GREAT Detections toward Circumstellar Outflows, and a Multitransition Analysis | ApJ 907, 42 (2020) |
G. Sandell | NGC7538 IRS1 - an O star driving an ionized jet and giant N-S outflow | ApJ 904, 139 (2020) |
A.M. Jacob | Extending the view of ArH + chemistry in diffuse clouds | A&A 643, 91 (2020) |
L. Bonne | Dense gas formation in the Musca filament due to the dissipation of a supersonic converging flow | A&A 641, 17 (2020) |
M.A. Siebert | A Search for Light Hydrides in the Envelopes of Evolved Stars | ApJ 901, 22 (2020) |
J.L. Pineda | A SOFIA Survey of [CII] in the galaxy M51 II. [CII] and CO kinematics across spiral arms | ApJ 900, 132 (2020) |
M.S. Kirsanova | The PDR structure and kinematics around the compact H II regions S235 A and S235 C with [C II], [ 13 C II], [O I] and HCO + line profiles | MNRAS 497, 2651 (2020) |
W. Lim | Star cluster formation in Orion A | PASJ 73, S239 (2021) |
N. Schneider | FEEDBACK: a SOFIA legacy program to study stellar feedback in regions of massive star formation | PASP 132, 104301 (2020) |
A.M. Jacob | First detection of 13 CH in the interstellar medium | A&A 640, 125 (2020) |
C.H.M. Pabst | Expanding bubbles in Orion A: [C II] observations of M 42, M 43, and NGC 1977 | A&A 639, 2 (2020) |
J.R. Goicoechea | Molecular globules in the Veil bubble of Orion. IRAM 30 m 12 CO, 13 CO, and C 18 O (2-1) maps of Orion A | A&A 639, 1 (2020) |
D.A. Neufeld | Detection of Vibrational Emissions from the Helium Hydride Ion (HeH + ) in the PN NGC7027 | ApJ 894, 37 (2020) |
C. Guevara | [CII] 158 µm self-absorption and optical depth effects | A&A 636, 16 (2020) |
T.F. Giesen | First detection of the carbon chain molecules 13 CCC and C 13 CC towards SgrB2(M) | A&A 633, 120 (2020) |
A.M. Jacob | Fingerprinting the effects of hyperfine structure on CH and OH far infrared spectra using Wiener filter deconvolution | A&A 632, 60 (2020) |
V. Lebouteiller | Physical conditions in the gas phases of the giant H II region LMC-N 11. II. Origin of [C II] and fraction of CO-dark gas | A&A 632, L106 (2019) |
Y. Okada | First detection of [ 13 CII] in the Large Magellanic Cloud | A&A 631, L12 (2019) |
J.L. Pineda | Electron Densities and Nitrogen Abundances in Ionized Gas Derived using [NII] Fine-structure and Hydrogen Recombination Lines | ApJ 886, 1 (2019) |
B. Mookerjea | Opening the Treasure Chest in Carina | A&A 626, 131 (2019) |
D.C. Lis | Terrestrial deuterium-to-hydrogen ratio in water in hyperactive comets | A&A 625, L5 (2019) |
R. Güsten | Astrophysical detection of the helium hydride ion HeH + | Nature 568, 357 (2019) |
C. Pabst | Disruption of the Orion molecular core 1 by wind from the massive star θ 1 Orionis C | Nature 565, 618 (2019) |
Y. Okada | Velocity profiles of [CII], [CI], CO and [OI] and physical conditions in four star-forming regions in the Large Magellanic Cloud | A&A 621, 62 (2019) |
K. Ennico | An Overview of the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy Since Full Operation Capability | JAI 7, 1840012 (2018) |
J. Pineda | A SOFIA Survey of [C II] in the Galaxy M51. I. [C II] as a Tracer of Star Formation | ApJ 869, L30 (2018) |
J.P. Pérez-Beaupuits | A Thorough view of the nuclear region of NGC 253 combined Herschel, SOFIA and APEX dataset | ApJ 860, 23 (2018) |
H. Andrews | Whipping IC 63/IC 59 | A&A 619, 170 (2018) |
G. Sandell | Velocity resolved [OI] 63 microns emission in the HD 50138 circumstellar disk | ApJ 864, 104 (2018) |
W. Langer | The nature of molecular cloud boundary layers from SOFIA [OI] observations | A&A 617, 94 (2018) |
N. Schneider | Anatomy of the massive star-forming region S106 | A&A 617, 45 (2018) |
B. Mookerjea | C + distribution around S1 in ρ Ophiuchi | A&A 616, 31 (2018) |
M. Tiwari | Unveiling the remarkable photo dissociation region in M8 | A&A 615, 158 (2018) |
T.G. Bisbas | The inception of Star Cluster Formation Revealed by [CII] Emission Around an Infrared Dark Cloud | MNRAS 478, 54 (2018) |
J. Bally | Kinematics of the Horsehead Nebula and IC 434 Ionization Front in CO and C + | AJ 155, 80 (2018) |
P.F. Goldsmith | Velocity-resolved [CII] Emission from Cold Diffuse Clouds in the interstellar Medium | ApJ 856, 96 (2018) |
K.E. Jameson | First Results from the Herschel and ALMA Spectroscopic Surveys of the SMC: The Relationship between [CII]-bright Gas and CO-bright Gas at low Metallicity | ApJ 853 111 (2018) |
H. Wiesemeyer | Unveiling the chemistry of interstellar CH. Spectroscopy of the 2 THz N = 2–1 ground state line | A&A 612, 37 (2018) |
S.A. Levshakov | [C I], [C II] and CO emission lines as a probe for α variations at low and high redshifts | MNRAS 471, 2143 (2017) |
W.D. Langer | Ionized gas in the Scutum spiral arm as traced in [N II] and [C II] | A&A 607, 59 (2017) |
F. Herpin | First detection of a THz water maser in NGC 7538-IRS1 with SOFIA and new 22 GHz e-MERLIN | A&A 606, 52 (2017) |
C.H.M. Pabst | [C II] emission from L1630 in the Orion B molecular Cloud | A&A 606, 29 (2017) |
D.A. Neufeld | SOFIA/GREAT Discovery of Terahertz Water Masers | ApJ 843, 94 (2017) |
A. Gusdorf | Nature of shocks revealed by SOFIA OI observations in the Cepheus E protostellar outflow | A&A 602, 8 (2017) |
J. Harju | Detection of Interstellar Ortho-D 2 H + with SOFIA | ApJ 840, 63 (2017) |
L.E. Kristensen | Oxygen budget in low-mass protostars: the NGC 1333-IRAS4A shock observed in [OI] at 63µm | A&A 601, 4 (2017) |
C.B. Glück | SOFIA/GREAT [C II] observations in nearly clouds near the lines of sight towards B0355+508 and B0212+735 | A&A 600, 94 (2017) |
K. Fahrion | Disentangling the ISM phases of the dwarf galaxy NGC 4212 using [C II] SOFIA/GREAT | A&A 599, 9 (2017) |
J. Rho | Discovery of Broad Molecular Lines and Shocked Molecular Hydrogen from G357.7+0.3 | ApJ 834, 12 (2017) |
W.J.G. de Blok | Comparing [C II], HI, and CO Dynamics of Nearby Galaxies | AJ 152, 51 (2016) |
P.F. Goldsmith | L1599B: loud Envelope and C + Emission in a Region of Moderately Enhanced Radiation Field | ApJ 824, 141 (2016) |
M. Röllig | [C II] 158 µm and [N II] 205 µm emission from IC 342. Disentangling the emission from ionized | A&A 591, 33 (2016) |
M. Requena | Carbon gas in SMC low-metallicity star-forming regions | A&A 589, 28 (2016) |
F. Wyrowski | Infall through the evolution of high-mass star-forming clumps | A&A 585, 149 (2016) |
H. Wiesemeyer | Far-infrared study of tracers of oxygen chemistry in diffuse clouds | A&A 585, 76 (2016) |
A. Gusdorf | Challenging shock models with SOFIA OH observations in the high-mass star-forming region | A&A 585, 45 (2016) |
S. Leurini | Spectroscopically resolved far-IF observations of the massive star-forming region G5.89-0.39 | A&A 584, 70 (2015) |
J.P. Pérez-Beaupuits | Disentangling the excitation conditions of the dense gas in M17 SW | A&A 583,107 (2015) |
B. Lefloch | The structure of the Cepheus E protostellar outflow: The jet, the bowshock and the cavity | A&A 581, 4 (2015) |
L. Rezac | First detection of the 63 µm atomic oxygen line in the thermosphere of Mars with GREAT/SOFIA | A&A 580,10 (2015) |
V. Ossenkopf | Fine-structure line deficit in S 140 | A&A 580, 83 (2015) |
Y. Okada | Velocity resolved [C II], [C I], and CO observations of the N159 star-forming region the Large Magellanic Cloud | A&A 580, 54 (2015) |
G. Sandell | High spectral and spatial resolution observations of the PDR emission in the NGC 2023 reflection nebula with SOFIA and APEX | A&A 578, 41 (2015) |
D.A. Neufeld | Sulphur-bearing molecules in diffuse molecular clouds: new results from SOFIA/GREAT and the IRAM 30m telescope | A&A 577, 49 (2015) |
W.D. Langer | Ionized gas at the edge of the central molecular zone | A&A 576, 1 (2015) |
J.P. Pérez-Beaupuits | Detection of a large fraction of atomic gas not associated with star-forming material in M17 SW* | A&A 575, 9 (2015) |
A. Gusdorf | Impacts of pure shocks in the BHR71 bipolar outflow | A&A 575, 98 (2015) |
H. Beuther | Carbon in different phases ([CII], [CI], and CO) in infrared dark clouds: Cloud formation signatures | A&A 571, 53 (2014) |
S. Brünken | H2D + observations give an age of at least one million years for a cloud core forming Sun-like stars | Nature 516, 219 (2014) |
Zinnecker, H. | SOFIA: first science highlights and future science potential | AN 334, 558 (2013) |
E. O’Gorman | CARMA CO(J=2-1) Observations of the Circumstellar Envelope of Betelgeuse | AJ 144, 36 (2012) |
E.T. Young | Early Science with SOFIA, the Stratospheric Observatory For Infrared Astronomy | ApJ 749, 17 (2012) |
T. Csengeri | SOFIA observations of far infrared hydroxyl emission toward ultra-compact HII/OH maser regions | A&A 542, L8 (2012) |
J. Eislöffel | SOFIA observations of CO(12 11) emission along the L1157 bipolar outflow | A&A 542, L11 (2012) |
A. Gomez | High-J CO emission in the Cepheus E protostellar outflow observed with SOFIA/GREAT | A&A 542, L9 (2012) |
U. Graf | [ 12 CII] and [ 13 CII] 158 m emission from NGC 2024: Large column densities of ionized carbon | A&A 542, L16 (2012) |
A. Gusdorf | Probing MHD Shocks with High-J CO Observations: W28F | A&A 542, L19 (2012) |
B. Mookerjea | The structure of hot gas in Cepheus B | A&A 542, L17 (2012) |
D. Neufeld | Discovery of interstellar mercapto radicals (SH) with the GREAT instrument on SOFIA | A&A 542, L6 (2012) |
Y. Okada | Dynamics and PDR properties in IC1396A | A&A 542, L10 (2012) |
A.I. Gomez-Ruiz | High-J CO emission in the Cepheus E protostellar outflow observed with SOFIA/GREAT | A&A 542, 9 (2012) |
B. Parise | Detection of OD towards the low-mass protostar IRAS 16293-2422 | A&A 542, L5 (2012) |
J.-P. Perez-Beaupuits | The ionized and hot gas in M17 SW: SOFIA/GREAT THz observations of [C II] and 12 CO J=13-12 | A&A 542, L13 (2012) |
M. Requena | GREAT confirms transient nature of the Circumnuclear Disk | A&A 542, L21 (2012) |
M. Röllig | [CII] gas in IC 342 | A&A 542, L22 (2012) |
R. Sahai | Probing the Mass and Structure of the Ring Nebula in Lyra with SOFIA/GREAT Observations of the [CII] 158 micron line | A&A 542, L20 (2012) |
G. Sandell | GREAT [CII] and CO observations of the BD+40°4124 region | A&A 542, L14 (2012) |
N. Schneider | Globules and pillars seen in the [CII] 158 m line with SOFIA | A&A 542, L18 (2012) |
R. Simon | SOFIA observations of S106: dynamics of the warm gas | A&A 542, L12 (2012) |
H. Wiesemeyer | High-resolution absorption spectroscopy of the OH 2 Π 3/2 ground state line | A&A 542, L7 (2012) |
F. Wyrowski | Terahertz ammonia absorption as a probe of infall in high-mass star forming clumps | A&A 542, L15 (2012) |
Technical publications on GREAT in refereed journals
Principal Investigator | Title of Science Contribution | Journal |
C.A. Durán | 4GREAT - a four-color receiver for high-resolution airborne terahertz spectroscopy | IEEE Trans.THz Sci.Tech. 11, 194-204, (2021) |
H.W. Hübers | Terahertz spectroscopy using quantum-cascade lasers | Photoniques 101, 27-32 (2020) |
C. Risacher | The upGREAT dual frequency heterodyne arrays for SOFIA | JAI 7 N o 4, 1840014 (2018) |
C. Risacher | The upGREAT 1.9 THz multi-pixel high resolution spectrometer for the SOFIA Observatory | A&A 595, 34 (2016) |
C. Risacher | First Supra-THz Heterodyne Array Receivers for Astronomy With the SOFIA Observatory | ITTST 6, 199 (2016) |
H. Ri chter | 4.7-Thz Local Oscillator for the GREAT Heterodyne Spectrometer on SOFIA | ITTST 5, 539 (2015) |
D. Buchel | 4.7-THz Superconducting Hot Electron Bolometer Waveguide Mixer | ITTST 5, 207 (2015) |
S. Heyminck | GREAT: the SOFIA high-frequency heterodyne instrument | A&A 542, L1 (2012) |
P. Pütz | Terahertz hot electron bolometer waveguide mixers for GREAT | A&A 542, L2 (2012) |
B. Klein | High-resolution wide-band Fast Fourier Transform Spectrometers | A&A 542, L3 (2012) |
Xin Guan | GREAT/SOFIA atmospheric calibration | A&A 542, L4 (2012) |
P. Pütz | NbTiN Hot Electron Bolometer Waveguide Mixers on Si3N4 Membranes at THz Frequencies | ITAS 21, 636 (2011) |
S. Heyminck | GREAT: a first light instrument for SOFIA | SPIE 7014, 10 (2008) |
U. Graf | GREAT: the German first light heterodyne instrument for SOFIA | SPIE 6275, 1 (2006) |
R. Güsten | GREAT: The German Receiver for Astronomy at Terahertz Frequencies | SPIE 4857, 56 (2003) |
R. Güsten | GREAT: the first-generation German heterodyne receiver for SOFIA | SPIE 4014, 23 (2000) |
Public outreach articles on GREAT science results
Author(s) | Title of Science Contribution | Journal |
A. Schadwinkel | Das O der Venus – erster direkter Nachweis von Sauerstoff (text in German) | Spiegel 46/2023 |
M. Rini | Tracking Isotopes in the Upper Atmosphere | Physics 16, s19 (2022) |
S. Anderl U. von Rauchhaupt | Zwischen Wolken und Weltraum – Flugzeugobservatorium SOFIA (text in German) | Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung 49/2022 |
N. Schneider J. Stutzki | Massereiche Sterne als Geburtshelfer (text in German) | Physik in unserer Zeit 06/2022, 290 (2022) |
T. Csengeri J. Schmelz | Science Spotlight: Deuterated Hydroxyl as a Star Formation Tracer | SOFIA Science Newsletter 08/2022 |
J.-B. Veyrieras | HeH + - On a trouvé la première molécule de l’Univers (text in French) | Science & Vie 08-2020, 100 (2020) |
T. Csengeri H. Wiesemeyer | La stratosphérique détection de l'hydrure d'hélium (text in French) | La Recherche 555, 44 (2020) |
S. Anderl | Der Anfang der Chemie – Heliumhydrid-Ion aufgespürt (text in German) | Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 24.04.2019 |
J. Hattenbach | Vandalismus im Nebel – Sternentstehung (text in German) | Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 18.01.2019 |
H. Wiesemeyer | SOFIA und der kosmische Materiekreislauf (text in German) | Nat.wiss. Rundschau 65, 511 (2012) |