Effelsberg Time Distribution System Project

The hydrogen maser frequency standards are commonly used in Effelsberg Radio Astronomy Observatory center as local reference clocks. The Observatory center currently operating with one maser known as imaser45 and in near future we plan to replace it with the new Hydrogen maser known as Imaser3000. Since iMaser45 maser longtime in operation, the stability the frequency decreases, then hence we plane to replace this maser with a more stable one- imaser3000.
To control all the time signals of whole radio receivers’ System including frontends, backends, and telescope control; we have implemented a time distribution system in Effelsberg. From this distribution system, we can measure, compare and control all time signals required for operating the radio observatory. This system of measurement is needed to manage the maser clocks to ensure accurate VLBI and pulsar observation. The clock data are stored in maser database and the required parameters would be displayed in web browser interface for our daily control. The project includes the software development such as creating database, database interfacing software and web GUI.
The development of time distribution project in Effelsberg has mainly categorized in three different projects with their own work packages as indicated on the project structure plane. The first work package related to the organization, controlling the structure of the systems’ work packets during all the project phases. All the other work packages reflects independently or in cooperation with the other work packages to facilitate the integration of the work packages for the completion of the final projects.