Quarter 3: Electromagnetic and Gravitational RadiativeProcesses | Dr. Dr. Kejia Li
Lecture 1: Oct. 01 at 10:00 in 0.01:
Introduction, Review of electrodynamics: Maxwellequation - Lienard-Wiechertpotentials – Single particle radiation - description of radiation – polarization, beam pattern, and spectrum | video
Lecture 2: Oct. 02 at 10:00 in 0.01:
Thermal radiation and radiation transfer : Black-body radiation and Bose-Einstein distribution - Brightness temperature, color temperature, and effective temperature - Flux, energy density, and intensity of radiation - Einstein coefficients, Radiation, absorption, and optical depth – Radiation transfer - Scattering, Kompaneets equation | video
Lecture 3: Oct. 04 at 10:00 in 0.01:
Wave propagation in plasma: Debye length and Plasma frequency - Dielectric tensor, dispersion relation, CMA diagram - Dispersion, Faraday rotation, and Tsytovitch-Razin Effect - Cherenkov radiation | video
Lecture 4: Oct. 08 at 10:00 in 0.01:
Cyclotron, Synchrotron and curvature radiation: Cyclotron radiation - Synchrotron radiation - Curvature radiation - The unified framework | video
Lecture 5: Oct. 09 at 10:00 in 0.01:
Compton and inverse Compton scattering: Thompson scattering - Compton scattering - Inverse Compton scattering - Pair processes - Eddington limit, Bremsstrahlung, Spectral line: | video
Lecture 6: Oct. 10 at 10:00 in 0.01:
Gravitational wave radiation: Order-of-magnitude treatments - Quadrupole formula - Polarization of gravitational wave - Binary evolution and why we need numerical relativity - Gravitational wave detection | video
Watch lecture 1.