The thesis The primary goal of my research during my PhD was the development of a wavelet-based tools for 2D image analysis, and the application on the analysis of transversely resolved jets of AGN.
Radio-loud AGN typically manifest powerful relativistic jets extending up to millions of light years and often showing superluminal motions organized in a complex kinematic pattern. A number of physical models are still competing to explain the jet structure and kinematics revealed by radio images using the VLBI technique. Robust measurements of longitudinal and transverse velocity field in the jets would provide crucial information for these models. This is a particularly difficult for transversely resolved jets in objects like 3C 273 and M 87.
To achieve these goals, I have developed a new wavelet based image segmentation and evaluation (WISE) method which provides efficient, objective, and reliable decomposition and tracking of two-dimensional structural patterns in astronomical images.