April 28, 2014
An international team of astronomers led by K. Sokolovsky and F. Schinzel at the MPIfR has deciphered the broadband emission of the narrow-line gamma-ray-loud AGN GB 1310+487. Observations include data from the Fermi, AGILE and Swift space telescopes at high frequencies and from the Kanata, NOT, Keck, OAGH, WISE, IRAM 30-m, OVRO 40-m, Effelsberg 100-m, RATAN-600 and the VLBA in the optical-infrared-radio area. Fermi/LAT observations reveal a strong correlation between the gamma-ray flux and spectral index, being harder at the brighter flux. The gamma flares occurred before and during a slow rising trend of the radio eission, but no direct association between gamma and radio flares could be stablishesd. The results are published in Astronomy & Astrophysics. [more]