Former Staff Members

Name MPIfR Position Present affiliation
Dr. Scott Aaron Postdoctoral Fellow (1997/98) Northwestern Mutual
Dr. Walter Alef PhD student, Scientific Staff & Department Head (1975-2021) (retired)
Dr. James L. Anderson Postdoctoral Fellow and Staff Scientist (2009/13) GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam
Dr. Emmanouil Angelakis PhD Student (2006/09), Postdoctoral Researcher (2009), IMPRS Coordinator (2009-2016), Scientific Staff (2009-2018) Deutsche Telekom
Dr. Roberto Angioni PhD Student (2015/18), Postdoctoral Resarcher (2018/19) Soccerment
Dr. Tigran Arshakian Postdoc (Humboldt 2002/04, MPIfR 2004/07) Univ. Köln
Dr. Rebecca S. Azulay PhD Student (2015), Postdoctoral Researcher (2017/18) Valencian Government Secondary School
Dr. Uwe Bach Diploma Student (2000/01), PhD Student (2001/04) MPIfR Effelsberg Division
Dr. Anne-Kathrin Baczko PhD Student (2015/19), Postdoctoral Contract (2019/22) Onsala Space Observatory
Dr. Thomas Beckert Postdoctoral Fellow
Dr. Alessandra Bertarini PhD Student, later Geodesy Staff DLR (German Space Agency)
Dr. Moritz Böck Postdoctoral Contract (2013/14) TNG Technology Consulting
Prof. Dr. Geoff Bower Postdoctoral Fellow (1997/98) ASIAA Hawaii
Dr. Gabriele Bruni Postdoctoral Contract and Correlator Support Scientist (2013/17) INAF Frascati
Dr. Andreas Brunthaler Diploma Student (1999/2000), PhD Student (2000/03) MPIfR mm/sub-mm Dept.
Dr. Carolina Casadio Postdoctoral Contract (2016/19) Univ. Crete
Dr. Chin-Shin Chang PhD Student (Marie Curie, 2007/10) ALMA/ESO, Santiago de Chile
Dr. Céline Chidiac MSc Student (2015/16), PhD Student (2016/19) niologic GmbH
Dr. Elena Cenacchi PhD Student (Marie Curie, 2006/09) Cenacchi Editrice
Dr. Giuseppe Cimò PhD Student JIVE
Dr. Eric Clausen-Brown Postdoctoral Fellow (2011/14) Amazon
Dr. Koyel Das PhD Student Vehere Interactive (P) Ltd
Dr. Llorenç Espinosa Portalés Undergrad student (trainee) (2015) Multiverse Computing
Prof. Dr. Heino Falcke Postdoctoral Fellow (1997/99), Research Staff (1999/04) Univ. Nijmegen
Dr. Christian M. Fromm Diploma (2009) & PhD Student (2010/13); Postdoctoral Fellow (2013) Univ. Würzburg
Dr. Lars Fuhrmann PhD Student, Postdoctoral Fellow, Research Staff  University Siegen
Dr. André Giesecke PhD Student Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
Dr. Krisztina Éva Gabányi PhD Student (2003/06) Konkoly Observatory
Dr. David A. Graham Staff Scientist (1974/2009) & Guest Scientist (2009/18) Retired
Prof. Dr. Yoshiaki Hagiwara Postdoctoral Fellow (1999/2001) Toyo University
Dr. Jeff A. Hodgson PhD Student (2012/15) & Postdoctoral Fellow (2015/16) KASI
Dr. Joana A. Höllmer, née Kramer MSc Student (2019/20), PhD Student (2020/23) Los Álamos National Laboratory
Dr. Andreas Horneffer PhD Student (2001/05)
Dr. Pedro K. Humire Rodríguez PhD Student (2019/22)  
Dr. Tim Hüge PhD Student (2001/05) Karslruhe Institute of Technology
Dr. Dragana Ilic Visiting PhD Student Univ. Belgrade
Dr. Violette Impellizzeri PhD Student (2005/08) Univ. Leiden
Prof. Dr. Michael Janßen Postdoctoral fellow (2021/23) Radboud Univ. Nijmegen
Dr. Cheng-Jin Jin Visiting PhD Student
Ms. Veronika Kam Diploma Student (2008/09)
Dr. Vassilis Karamanavis PhD Student (2012/15), Postdoctoral Researcher (2015/17) FGH Wachtberg
Dr. DongJin Kim PhD Student (2018/21) & Postdoctoral Fellow (2021/22) MIT/Haystack Observatory
Prof. Dr. Jae-Young Kim PhD Student (2015/18) & Postdoctoral Fellow (2018/20) Kyungpook National University
Prof. Dr. Shoko Koyama Postdoctoral fellow (2014/17) Univ. Niigata
Prof. Dr. Matthias Kadler Diploma Student (2001/02), PhD Student (2002/05) Univ. Würzburg
Dr. Marios Karouzos PhD Student (2007/10) Nature Magazine London
Dr. Sebastian Kiehlmann PhD Student (2013/15) Univ. Crete
Dr. Jens Klare PhD Student (2000/03), Postdoctoral Fellow (2003/04) FGH Wachtberg
Dr. Elmar Körding PhD Student (2001/04) Univ. Nijmegen
Dr. Alexander Kraus PhD Student (1994/97), Research Staff (since 1998) MPIfR Effelsberg Division (Head)
Dr. Nadia Kudryavtseva PhD Student
Dr. Violette C.M. Impellizzeri PhD Student Univ. Leiden
Dr. Laura La Porta Support Staff Geodesy Group Correlator DLR Oberkassel
Dr. Sang-Sun Lee PhD Student Korea Institute for Astronomy and Space Science
Dr. Jonathan León Tavares Visiting PhD Student
Dr. Rocco Lico Postdoctoral Researcher (2018/20) IRA-INAF Bologna
Dr. Mikhail M. Lisakov Postdoctoral Researcher & Staff Member (2017-22) ASC Lebedev Moscow
Dr. Jun Liu Postdoctoral Researcher (2018/21)  
Dr. RuSen Lu PhD Student, Staff member (2015/18) Shanghai Observatory
Prof Dr. Nicholas R. MacDonald Postdoctoral Fellow (2017/23) University of Mississippi
Prof. Dr. Iván Martí-Vidal Postdoctoral Fellow (Humboldt) Universitat de València
Dr. habil. Maria Massi JIVE Research Fellow (1997/99) (retired)
Dr. Walter Max-Moerbeck Postdoctoral Researcher (2015/17) Univ. Chile (PAI-CONICYT)
Mr. Alessio Medici PhD Student (2000/02)
Dr. Florent Mertens PhD Student (2012/15) Univ. Groningen
Dr. Mar Mezcua PhD Student (2008/11) ICE Barcelona
Dr. John McKean Postdoctoral Fellow (ANGLeS) ASTRON / Univ. Groningen
Priv. Doz. Dr. Enno Middelberg Diploma Student (2000/01), PhD Student (2001/04) DB Systel GmbH
Dr. Rupal Mittal PhD Student (ANGLeS) Deutsche Bahn
Dr. Anupreeta Moré PhD Student (ANGLeS) IUCAA Pune
Dr. Ioannis Myserlis PhD Student, Postdoctoral Fellow IRAM Granada
Dr. Dhanya G. Nair PhD Student (2015/18) & Postdoctoral Researcher (2018/19) Univ. Concepción
Dr. Ioannis Nestoras PhD Student (2009/15) Research and Development in Aerospace
Dr. Anke Pagels-Kerp PhD Student (2003/05) DLR (German Space Agency)
Dr. Marzieh Parsa Postdoctoral Researcher (2018) Univ. Köln
Dr. Ivan Pauliny-Toth Research Staff (1970/2002) Deceased
Dr. Víctor M. Patiño Álvarez Postdoctoral Researcher (2016/19) INAOE
Dr. Vasiliki Pavlidou Postdoctoral Fellow (MPIfR) Univ. Crete
Prof. Dr. Manel Perucho Postdoctoral Fellow (MPIfR, Generalitat Valenciana) Univ. València
Dr. Yurii Pidopryhora Technical Staff (2017/2022) Univ. Bonn
Dr. Antonios Polatidis Postdoctoral Fellow (2001/04), Research Staff (2004/06)
Dr. Felix M. Pötzl PhD Student (2016/19) Univ. Crete
Dr. Eugen Preuss Research Staff (1970/2002) Deceased
Dr. Richard W. Porcas Postdoctoral Fellow and Staff Scientist (1977/2022) (retired)
Dr. Alexander B. Pushkarev Postdoctoral Fellow (MPIfR) Crimea Astrophysical Observatory & Astro Space Center
Dr. Bindu Rani PhD Student (2012/14), Postdoctoral Fellow (2014/16) NASA/GSFC
Dr. Luca Ricci PhD Student (2020/23) Univ. Würzburg
Dr. Frank K. Schinzel PhD Student (2008/11) NRAO-Socorro
Ms. Rebekka Schmitt PhD Student
Dr. Kirill Sokolovskiy PhD Student (2008/11) Astro Space Center Lebedev
Prof. Dr. Shenjin Qian Research Fellow (1997/2000)
Prof. Dr. Bong Won Sohn Postdoctoral Fellow (2003/04) Korea Institute for Astronomy and Space Science
Mr. Francesco Travaglini Master Student (2021)  
Dr. Laura Vega García MSc Student (2014/15), PhD Student (2015/18), Postdoctoral Researcher (2018/19) Indra Digital Labs
Prof. Dr. Carsten Van de Bruck Postdoctoral Fellow (1998) Univ. Sheffield
Dr. Wen-Wu Tian Postdoctoral Fellow (1998/99) Univ. Calgary
Dr. Efthalia Traianou PhD Student (2016/20), Postdoctoral Researcher (2020/21) IAA-CSIC Granada
Dr. Eleni Vardoulaki Postdoctoral Researcher (2019/20) Landessternwarte Tautenburg
Dr. Arno Witzel Staff Member & Research Group Leader Retired
Dr. Michal Zajacek Postdoctoral Fellow (2017/18) Univ. Warsaw
Dr. Mohammad Zamaninasab Postdoctoral Fellow (2010/14) Microsoft

Please inform Prof. Dr. Eduardo Ros if any member is missing or if the affiliation has changed.

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