Former Staff Members
Name | MPIfR Position | Present affiliation |
Dr. Scott Aaron | Postdoctoral Fellow (1997/98) | Northwestern Mutual |
Dr. Walter Alef | PhD student, Scientific Staff & Department Head (1975-2021) | (retired) |
Dr. James L. Anderson | Postdoctoral Fellow and Staff Scientist (2009/13) | GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam |
Dr. Emmanouil Angelakis | PhD Student (2006/09), Postdoctoral Researcher (2009), IMPRS Coordinator (2009-2016), Scientific Staff (2009-2018) | Deutsche Telekom |
Dr. Roberto Angioni | PhD Student (2015/18), Postdoctoral Resarcher (2018/19) | Soccerment |
Dr. Tigran Arshakian | Postdoc (Humboldt 2002/04, MPIfR 2004/07) | Univ. Köln |
Dr. Rebecca S. Azulay | PhD Student (2015), Postdoctoral Researcher (2017/18) | Valencian Government Secondary School |
Dr. Uwe Bach | Diploma Student (2000/01), PhD Student (2001/04) | MPIfR Effelsberg Division |
Dr. Anne-Kathrin Baczko | PhD Student (2015/19), Postdoctoral Contract (2019/22) | Onsala Space Observatory |
Dr. Thomas Beckert | Postdoctoral Fellow | |
Dr. Alessandra Bertarini | PhD Student, later Geodesy Staff | DLR (German Space Agency) |
Dr. Petra Benke | , Postdoc (2024/25), PhD Student (2021/24) | GFZ Potsdam |
Dr. Moritz Böck | Postdoctoral Contract (2013/14) | TNG Technology Consulting |
Prof. Dr. Geoff Bower | Postdoctoral Fellow (1997/98) | ASIAA Hawaii |
Dr. Gabriele Bruni | Postdoctoral Contract and Correlator Support Scientist (2013/17) | INAF Frascati |
Dr. Andreas Brunthaler | Diploma Student (1999/2000), PhD Student (2000/03) | MPIfR mm/sub-mm Dept. |
Dr. Carolina Casadio | Postdoctoral Contract (2016/19) | Univ. Crete |
Dr. Chin-Shin Chang | PhD Student (Marie Curie, 2007/10) | ALMA/ESO, Santiago de Chile |
Dr. Céline Chidiac | MSc Student (2015/16), PhD Student (2016/19) | niologic GmbH |
Dr. Elena Cenacchi | PhD Student (Marie Curie, 2006/09) | Cenacchi Editrice |
Dr. Giuseppe Cimò | PhD Student | JIVE |
Dr. Eric Clausen-Brown | Postdoctoral Fellow (2011/14) | Amazon |
Dr. Koyel Das | PhD Student | Vehere Interactive (P) Ltd |
Dr. Llorenç Espinosa Portalés | Undergrad student (trainee) (2015) | Multiverse Computing |
Prof. Dr. Heino Falcke | Postdoctoral Fellow (1997/99), Research Staff (1999/04) | Univ. Nijmegen |
Dr. Christian M. Fromm | Diploma (2009) & PhD Student (2010/13); Postdoctoral Fellow (2013) | Univ. Würzburg |
Dr. Lars Fuhrmann | PhD Student, Postdoctoral Fellow, Research Staff | University Siegen |
Dr. André Giesecke | PhD Student | Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf |
Dr. Krisztina Éva Gabányi | PhD Student (2003/06) | Konkoly Observatory |
Dr. David A. Graham | Staff Scientist (1974/2009) & Guest Scientist (2009/18) | Retired |
Prof. Dr. Yoshiaki Hagiwara | Postdoctoral Fellow (1999/2001) | Toyo University |
Dr. Jeff A. Hodgson | PhD Student (2012/15) & Postdoctoral Fellow (2015/16) | KASI |
Dr. Joana A. Höllmer, née Kramer | MSc Student (2019/20), PhD Student (2020/23) | Los Álamos National Laboratory |
Dr. Andreas Horneffer | PhD Student (2001/05) | |
Dr. Pedro K. Humire Rodríguez | PhD Student (2019/22) | |
Dr. Tim Hüge | PhD Student (2001/05) | Karslruhe Institute of Technology |
Dr. Dragana Ilic | Visiting PhD Student | Univ. Belgrade |
Dr. Violette Impellizzeri | PhD Student (2005/08) | Univ. Leiden |
Prof. Dr. Michael Janßen | Postdoctoral fellow (2021/23) | Radboud Univ. Nijmegen |
Dr. Cheng-Jin Jin | Visiting PhD Student | |
Prof. Dr. Matthias Kadler | Diploma Student (2001/02), PhD Student (2002/05) | Univ. Würzburg |
Ms. Veronika Kam | Diploma Student (2008/09) | |
Dr. Vassilis Karamanavis | PhD Student (2012/15), Postdoctoral Researcher (2015/17) | DLR Oberkassel |
Dr. Daewon Kim | Postdoctoral Contract (2021/25) | NASA/Goddard |
Dr. DongJin Kim | PhD Student (2018/21) & Postdoctoral Fellow (2021/22) | MIT/Haystack Observatory |
Prof. Dr. Jae-Young Kim | PhD Student (2015/18) & Postdoctoral Fellow (2018/20) | Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology |
Prof. Dr. Shoko Koyama | Postdoctoral fellow (2014/17) | Univ. Niigata |
Dr. Marios Karouzos | PhD Student (2007/10) | Nature Magazine London |
Dr. Sebastian Kiehlmann | PhD Student (2013/15) | Univ. Crete |
Dr. Jens Klare | PhD Student (2000/03), Postdoctoral Fellow (2003/04) | FGH Wachtberg |
Dr. Elmar Körding | PhD Student (2001/04) | Univ. Nijmegen |
Dr. Alexander Kraus | PhD Student (1994/97), Research Staff (since 1998) | MPIfR Effelsberg Division (Head) |
Dr. Nadia Kudryavtseva | PhD Student | |
Dr. Violette C.M. Impellizzeri | PhD Student | ASTRON Dwingeloo |
Dr. Laura La Porta | Support Staff Geodesy Group Correlator | DLR Oberkassel |
Dr. Sang-Sun Lee | PhD Student | Korea Institute for Astronomy and Space Science |
Dr. Jonathan León Tavares | Visiting PhD Student | |
Dr. Rocco Lico | Postdoctoral Researcher (2018/20) | IRA-INAF Bologna |
Prof. Dr. Mikhail M. Lisakov | Postdoctoral Researcher & Staff Member (2017-22) | Universidad Pontificia Chile |
Dr. Jun Liu | Postdoctoral Researcher (2017/21) | Xiaomi Düsseldorf |
Dr. RuSen Lu | PhD Student, Staff member (2015/18) | Shanghai Observatory |
Prof Dr. Nicholas R. MacDonald | Postdoctoral Fellow (2017/23) | University of Mississippi |
Prof. Dr. Iván Martí-Vidal | Postdoctoral Fellow (Humboldt) | Universitat de València |
Dr. habil. Maria Massi | JIVE Research Fellow (1997/99) | (retired) |
Dr. Walter Max-Moerbeck | Postdoctoral Researcher (2015/17) | Univ. Chile (PAI-CONICYT) |
Mr. Alessio Medici | PhD Student (2000/02) | |
Dr. Florent Mertens | PhD Student (2012/15) | Univ. Groningen |
Dr. Mar Mezcua | PhD Student (2008/11) | ICE Barcelona |
Dr. John McKean | Postdoctoral Fellow (ANGLeS) | ASTRON / Univ. Groningen |
Priv. Doz. Dr. Enno Middelberg | Diploma Student (2000/01), PhD Student (2001/04) | DB Systel GmbH |
Dr. Rupal Mittal | PhD Student (ANGLeS) | Deutsche Bahn |
Dr. Anupreeta Moré | PhD Student (ANGLeS) | IUCAA Pune |
Dr. Ioannis Myserlis | PhD Student, Postdoctoral Fellow | IRAM Granada |
Dr. Dhanya G. Nair | PhD Student (2015/18) & Postdoctoral Researcher (2018/19) | Univ. Concepción |
Dr. Ioannis Nestoras | PhD Student (2009/15) | Research and Development in Aerospace |
Dr. Anke Pagels-Kerp | PhD Student (2003/05) | DLR Porz |
Dr. Marzieh Parsa | Postdoctoral Researcher (2018) | Univ. Köln |
Dr. Ivan Pauliny-Toth | Research Staff (1970/2002) | Deceased |
Dr. Víctor M. Patiño Álvarez | Postdoctoral Researcher (2016/19) | INAOE |
Dr. Vasiliki Pavlidou | Postdoctoral Fellow (MPIfR) | Univ. Crete |
Prof. Dr. Manel Perucho | Postdoctoral Fellow (MPIfR, Generalitat Valenciana) | Univ. València |
Dr. Yurii Pidopryhora | Technical Staff (2017/2022) | Univ. Bonn |
Dr. Antonios Polatidis | Postdoctoral Fellow (2001/04), Research Staff (2004/06) | |
Dr. Felix M. Pötzl | PhD Student (2016/19) | Univ. Crete |
Dr. Eugen Preuss | Research Staff (1970/2002) | Deceased |
Dr. Richard W. Porcas | Postdoctoral Fellow and Staff Scientist (1977/2022) | (retired) |
Dr. Alexander B. Pushkarev | Postdoctoral Fellow (MPIfR) | Crimea Astrophysical Observatory & Astro Space Center |
Dr. Bindu Rani | PhD Student (2012/14), Postdoctoral Fellow (2014/16) | NASA/GSFC |
Dr. Luca Ricci | PhD Student (2020/23) | Univ. Würzburg |
Dr. Frank K. Schinzel | PhD Student (2008/11) | NRAO-Socorro/NSF |
Ms. Rebekka Schmitt | PhD Student | |
Dr. Kirill Sokolovskiy | PhD Student (2008/11) | Astro Space Center Lebedev |
Prof. Dr. Shenjin Qian | Research Fellow (1997/2000) | |
Prof. Dr. Bong Won Sohn | Postdoctoral Fellow (2003/04) | Korea Institute for Astronomy and Space Science |
Mr. Francesco Travaglini | Master Student (2021) | |
Dr. Laura Vega García | MSc Student (2014/15), PhD Student (2015/18), Postdoctoral Researcher (2018/19) | Indra Digital Labs |
Prof. Dr. Carsten Van de Bruck | Postdoctoral Fellow (1998) | Univ. Sheffield |
Dr. Wen-Wu Tian | Postdoctoral Fellow (1998/99) | Univ. Calgary |
Dr. Efthalia Traianou | PhD Student (2016/20), Postdoctoral Researcher (2020/21) | Univ. Heidelberg |
Dr. Eleni Vardoulaki | Postdoctoral Researcher (2019/20) | Landessternwarte Tautenburg |
Dr. Arno Witzel | Staff Member & Research Group Leader | Retired |
Dr. Michal Zajacek | Postdoctoral Fellow (2017/18) | Univ. Warsaw |
Dr. Mohammad Zamaninasab | Postdoctoral Fellow (2010/14) | Microsoft |
Please inform Prof. Dr. Eduardo Ros if any member is missing or if the affiliation has changed.