Technical Data of the 100m-telescope

D- 53902 Bad-Muenstereifel-Effelsberg
geographic longitude 653’ 01.0” East
geographic latitude 5031’ 29.4” North
height above sea level 319 m
height above sea level (elevation axis) 369 m
Constrution period 1967–1971

Quantity of concrete: 5200 m3
Piles: number 134
lenght 8–12 m
diameter 1,2 m
Azimut-track diameter 64 m
At the track an arc second is equivalent to 0,155 mm
Precision of the track under load 0,3 mm

Steel construction:
Total weight 3200 t
Weight of the tiltable part ca. 1950 t
Maximum height (tilted!) 109 m
Height at elevation axis 50 m
Height of the base frame (over ground) 2 m
Height of the box girder 3 m
Height of the elevation platform (over ground) 20,3 m
Height of the cabletwist 12 m

Paraboloid diameter 100 m
Focal lemght 30 m
Reflector depth 20,83 m
Number of panels 2360
solid over 1496
Area plain 9090 m2
Aperture 7850 m2
Accuracy of an individual panel 0,3–0,5 mm
Alignment accuracy of a panel 0,2 mm
Size of the pipes 51–419 mm
Radius of the elevation gear rig 28 m
At the gear rig an arc sec equated to 0,136 mm
Mean surface error 0,5 mm

Subreflector (Gregory):
Ellipsodial mirror with a diameter of 6,5 m
Distance of the focal points 24,5 m
Distance to the main reflector 32,055 m
Diameter of the central opening 1,25 m
Number of panels 96
Surface error of one panel ~ 10 µm
Mean surface error ≤ 60 µm

Receivier cabines:
Primaryfocus dimension ca. 6x6x6 m3
max. possible reciever 9
Secondary focus (Apex) heigth 7,2 m
diameter 6,2 m
number of reciever systemes 9
number of horns 19

electrical power supply:
2 transformaters, 20kV/400V, convective cooling   800 kVA
Emergency diesel generator 400 kVA
Emergency-Battery 235 V 288 Ah

max. slewing (Azimuth) (0= North, 90= East) 30–510
during observation 33,5–506,5
zero point of the slewing range (quiescent point of the cabeltwist) 270 (West)
max. tilt (Elevation) 7,5–94
during observation 8,1–89
friction drive with 16 driving wheels
16 DC -shunt motors effective power each 17,5 kW
max. speed 32 deg/min
time for a rotation of 360 approx. 15 min
geardrive with 2 drive units
per 2 DC -shunt motors effective power each 17,5 kW
max. speed 16 deg/min
time for a tilt from 7,5–90 approx. 5 min

1. power (digital): tension transmission max. 10 % in astronimic use
2. drive (analog): 3 - 2500 U/min
3. position (computer controlled): max. accurateness ~ 0,1 arcsec
effective (pointing) 1–2 arcsec (~ 0.2 mm)
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